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10 Reasons Nannies Simply Should Not Lie to Parents

Posted on by Erin | in Nannies

Though there are times in every nanny’s career when stretching the truth seems preferable to facing a difficult situation with absolute honesty, there are an endless number of reasons why honesty is always the best policy. Here are ten of the things nannies should take into consideration before passing off a fib as the truth.

  1. Protecting Trust – Discovering that you’ve been dishonest, even about something that seems inconsequential, is almost certain to negatively impact the level of trust and comfort between you and your employer. Once damaged, this trust can be difficult or even impossible to regain.
  2. No One Benefits From a Lie – Though a fib might seem like a quick fix in a sticky situation, it’s important to remember that presenting falsehoods as truth will not benefit anyone involved in the long run.
  3. Problems That Aren’t Addressed Don’t Get Solved – Lying about your working conditions or the behavior
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    of your charges may seem like the best way to protect your employment, but untenable conditions that you’ve kept hidden will only cause you to burn out eventually. Rather than lying in the interest of preventing an awkward scene, it’s best to confront problems head-on.

  4. You Have a Checkered Past – Being up front and honest about a transgression in the distant past might not affect a prospective employer’s decision to hire you, but finding out that you were dishonest about it after the fact is almost certain to damage their trust to the point of dismissing you.
  5. Guarding Your Reputation – The most important and valuable asset that any professional nanny has in her possession is her reputation. Carefully protecting your references and your reputation is the best way to ensure that you’re able to secure a post in the future, and being dishonest is the quickest way to tarnish that reputation.
  6. The Nanny Cam Factor – With today’s technological advances in the field of surveillance, cameras can be hidden in the tiniest of spaces or disguised as everyday objects. Lying about your behavior after being questioned ruins any chance you may have to redeem yourself, especially if your employer has photographic evidence on hand.
  7. From the Mouths of Babes – There’s a reason why television shows and bestselling books are dedicated to the funny things that children say; kids simply aren’t known for keeping secrets well. Your charges are almost certain to clue your employers in if you are lying, especially if they’re questioned directly.
  8. There’s Always Evidence Left Behind – Unless you’re a criminal mastermind and have an infallible memory, you’re likely to leave behind a few whopping clues after delivering an untruth. Telling the truth, confessing immediately and being honest upon confrontation are the best ways to protect your post and your reputation.
  9. Mistakes Are Easier to Forgive Than Dishonesty – If you’ve made an honest mistake, without malice or nefarious motives, your employers are likely to forgive you. As long as you’ve been honest, that is. Lying about a mistake only compounds it and makes your motives look questionable, so it’s best to come clean as soon as possible.
  10. Their Children Are Not Your Children – Lying about adhering to parenting tactics or styles that you don’t agree with is one of the quickest ways to find yourself out of a job. It’s important to remember that, as long as those tactics aren’t dangerous or abusive, their children are not your children. Decisions about their upbringing are not yours to make.

Most parent struggle mightily with the guilt and worry that accompanies leaving their children in the care of a stranger. Damaging the trust that they have placed in you by being dishonest is almost certain to make it impossible for them to ever feel comfortable leaving their little ones and will inevitably lead to their decision to let you go. Adopting an always-honest policy is the best way to ensure that your job and your charges are safe.

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