I Landed a Nanny Job Interview! Now What?
June 21, 2012 | in Nannies
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the interview stage of your nanny job search. By now, you’ve likely emailed and chatted with the parents on the phone and perhaps have even met the parents in a public place, without the children, to discuss the possibilities of employment. At this point, you probably have a pretty good idea that this could be the nanny job for you. The nanny interview provides an opportunity for you to meet the parents and the children and to get a real sense of the family you are considering working for. During the interview you’ll gain insight into how the children behave, how the parents discipline and how the parents live. You’ll also be able to take cues from the surroundings to gauge if the family is the organized and structured type, or the chaotic or go-with-the-flow type. As you plan for your interview, consider the following tips. Dress appropriately. While there is no need for pantyhose and heels, you definitely want to look put together. Black slacks, khakis or jeans, with a polo shirt or blouse are appropriate for your nanny interview. Remember, during the interview you’ll want to engage the children, which for younger children will mean playing on the floor. Be sure to dress comfortably so you aren’t preoccupied with your wardrobe selection. Be on time. If you can’t manage to be on time for an interview, it is assumed you won’t manage to be on time for work either. Families depend on their nannies to be on time so that they can be on time for their professional and personal commitments. Be sure to map out your driving or public transportation route in advance and consider doing a test drive to the location the day before. Allow yourself plenty of time to get to your interview. It’s better to sit at a local coffee shop close by than to be caught in a traffic jam. If you are going to be late, be sure to call the family as soon as possible. Be apologetic and be sure to offer an updated estimated arrival time. Be prepared. At this point, you should have a good sense of the family’s care giving needs and expectations. You should have an equally good sense of why this may be the right job for you. Consider how your skills and experience match this specific job with this specific family and be prepared to share your thoughts with the parents. You’ll also want to be ready to ask the family questions. Consider asking questions about the child’s needs, like if they have any allergies or special health concerns, and about specific nanny duties and responsibilities, like if you’ll be responsible for the family’s laundry. Asking these types of questions will demonstrate that you have considered working for this family carefully. Be professional. During the interview, you’ll want to be warm, friendly and personable, but you don’t want to share too much personal information. Avoid sharing information about your dating life and family drama, and instead focus on your nanny experience and what skills, knowledge and expertise you can bring to the family. Take initiative. Many parents
do not know how to interview a nanny. They may ask
seemingly simple questions like “Do you know how to bathe a baby?” because they aren’t sure how to gather the information that they are truly looking for. Answer these questions by providing the information that the parents are seeking. Instead of saying yes, tell the parents about your experiencing caring for newborns and all of the tasks you regularly and confidently performed. While nanny interviews can be nerve-wracking, they don’t have to be. Being prepared and being yourself will help you to have a great interview and leave a lasting impression on the parents. Be sure to send a thank-you note after your interview. Doing so shows that you’re interested in the position, demonstrates good manners and keeps your name in the forefront of the parent’s minds as they consider who their children’s nanny will be.
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