How to Ask for a Raise and Get One
May 6, 2013In an economic climate that’s still somewhat troubling and a highly competitive job market within the private childcare industry, asking for a raise can be a challenging prospect. Even if you’re only looking for a routine cost of living increase, coming to your employers with a request for a raise requires a well thought-out approach and no small measure of finesse. These tips can help you walk away from a meeting with the raise you so sorely need without damaging your relationship with your employers or risking replacement.
Know When to Broach the Subject
There are appropriate times to ask for a raise and times when you aren’t so likely to succeed; the key to successfully obtaining a salary increase is the ability to understand the difference. Requests for a raise after a few months of employment or a less than stellar review aren’t as likely to be as successful as one that’s submitted after a glowing annual review. Before you ask for a salary increase or an overall upgrade to your compensation package, consider the timing of your request. Have you been at your post for a significant amount of time with no mention of a raise? Was your last performance review a positive one overall? Well-timed requests are almost always more successful, so be sure that you’re paying close attention. As a general rule, you probably shouldn’t approach your employers for a raise if you’ve received one since the last contract renewal or performance review.
Have Solid Figures in Hand
It’s important to be well-prepared and equipped with solid figures in hand before you approach your employers for a salary increase. If you’re basing your request on a serious discrepancy between your current rate of pay and that of other area nannies with a comparable skill base
and experience, you’ll need to be able to show them that discrepancy. Vaguely alluding to a need for more money without a firm stance or even a notion of your financial expectations is just asking to be turned down. Show that you’re committed to the post and very satisfied with the current arrangement, but that you do need a quantifiable increase.
Be Prepared to Justify Your Request
Unless you’re just finishing a performance review in which your employers heaped you with compliments and expressed their satisfaction in glowing terms, you’ll need to arrive to a meeting with them prepared to justify your request for a raise. There’s more to earning a raise than showing up on time and more or less meeting the expectations of your employers; you should be exceeding them. If your list of responsibilities has increased since the last update to your written work agreement but your salary hasn’t changed, don’t be afraid to address those new duties. Provide your employers with specific instances in which you’ve exceeded their standards or with ways that you feel that you’ve earned your raise. Presenting them with a detailed proposal, in writing, will not only give you the opportunity to keep your thoughts straight during the meeting, but also provide your employers with a visual aide.
Make Requests, Not Demands
It’s not unheard of for nannies to continue working for less than they feel they’re worth out of fear that they’ll lose their post altogether. When you approach a reasonable employer with a realistic proposal, however, you’re not likely to lose your job. The danger of finding yourself out of a job comes when you make haughty demands for a raise, not a simple request. Stay positive, professional and very respectful throughout your conversation, even when you feel that it may not be going your way. In the end, your attitude will determine your success, or lack thereof.
Realize That Negotiation is Key
You may have a figure in mind that you feel is fair, but you should also be prepared to negotiate a bit. A rigid attitude or stubborn refusal to accept a penny less than you’re asking for is a good way to fail spectacularly. Furthermore, you should exercise extreme caution when presenting your employers with an ultimatum. When faced with an aggressive nanny who’s threatening to leave if she doesn’t get her way, they may feel that it’s simpler in the long run to call that bluff and find a childcare provider who is more understanding.
Working in someone else’s home, caring for their children and assisting in the running of the household can create some complications in terms of professional and personal boundaries. Still, you must look at your relationship with your employers from a professional standpoint, especially when you’re asking for a raise. Avoid the temptation to take advantage of the more personal aspects of your relationship in an attempt to obtain a raise, as that can be perceived as manipulative behavior. Keep things professional, clear and concise and you’re sure to walk away with a bigger bank account.
Posted in Nannies | Comments Off on How to Ask for a Raise and Get One10 Healthy Snacks for Kids on the Go
April 25, 2013By Erin McNeill Mealtime is an important time for families. It’s a place to sit down, discuss your day, talk about the things you’d like to do and reconnect as a family. However, there’s always those few hours between school and dinner that require you to do some fast thinking. How do you give your kids a healthy and nutritious snack while running around from activity to activity with them without spoiling their dinner? Here are a few snacks that are healthy, easy to make ahead of time and can be ready to grab at a moment’s notice.
- Smoothies – Most kids love smoothies, and they’re a very easy snack to make. You can create healthy smoothies for them by using nonfat yogurt, 100% orange juice and fresh or frozen fruit in any combination that you can think of. Let your kids help decide what is going to go into the smoothie; the possibilities are endless! If you want to boost the nutrients in the smoothies, spinach and kale (fresh or frozen) make a great addition, and the flavors of the spinach and kale are easily masked by those of the fruit.
- Cut fruit – Most fruits travel well and are easy to cut into manageable pieces for the kids. Cantaloupe, honeydew, apples and pears work great while traveling. Cut up fruit into small pieces and put them in a container for kids to eat before their activities.
- Granola bars – Healthy granola bars are easily made at home with your children. Random Recycling has a kid-approved recipe that the author makes with her children on a regular basis, and when you make your own granola bars you can substitute ingredients based on what you and your children prefer to eat.
- Dried fruit – Dried raisins, apricots, cranberries, cherries, blueberries and bananas all make wonderful sweet treats for children to
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snack on. You can mix them together to create a trail mix and let your children do the mixing with you! Choose dried fruits with no added sugar and those that are sulfite-free.
- Fruit leather – It’s easy to make your own fruit leather at home and you won’t miss the added sugar and artificial dyes that are in store-bought fruit roll-ups. Simply Recipes has wonderful instructions on making your own fruit leather that involves a bit of cooking and then drying out of the fruit at a very low temperature in your oven. It’s time intensive, but well worth the effort!
- Snack mix – Use pretzels, whole grain cereals and crackers, popcorn, banana chips and whatever else you have on hand to create your own snack mix. You can add nuts if your kids are old enough to eat them safely. Kids will love the variety of the mix and you’ll feel great knowing exactly what is in their snack!
- Dry cereal – Kids enjoy snacking on crunchy things, so find a high-fiber, whole grain cereal for them to snack on. It’s easy to transport, easy to pack and easy to store. It’s a great thing to keep on hand in the car for emergencies.
- Baked goods – By using whole grains and oatmeal in your baking you can boost up the nutrient value of your baked goods. Banana muffins, zucchini bread and sweet potato based baked goods are all great additions to your snack options.
- Applesauce – Applesauce or other pureed fruits in a pouch are a great option for snacks on the go. Most stores now carry many options for these portable snacks – just be sure to choose one with no added sugar!
- Kale chips – Kale chips are easy to make at home and provide a lot of vitamins in a small chip. Kids will enjoy the crunchiness of the chips and you’ll enjoy knowing that they are eating something that is good for them!
It’s important to keep snacks to just that, a snack. Something that is healthy and filling, but still fun are perfect for keeping kids satisfied in the hours between school letting out and dinnertime.
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April 23, 2013For nannies and parents alike, the working relationship can feel so close and personal that when the relationship comes to an end, terminating the working arrangement formally feels a bit awkward. However, formally ending the relationship is important for many reasons.
- Written notification of termination or notice serves to document the date the relationship ended or will end.
- Written notification serves to document who is ending the relationship.
- Written notification finalizes the decision to terminate or quit.
- Written notification may offer protection in the case of an unemployment claim.
When writing your letter of termination or notice, it can be tempting to rehash every detail that has led up to your final decision, but don’t. Doing so can turn what is meant to be an official, formal notification into something other than what it’s intended to be. Employers will want to reference any specific event that led to the decision, the impact of that event and why you are left with no other choice than to terminate the nanny as a result of the event. These events may include reasons that are no fault of the nanny, like a decision to relocate, the loss of a job or an event that forced you to take action out of concern for your children, like the breach of trust or an unsafe decision. When you are a nanny writing a letter of notice, include the date the letter was written, your name and position, the last day you plan to work and a clear, brief statement outlining the reason you are giving notice. Some reasons for giving notice may have nothing to do with the family; perhaps you are relocating, you’ve accepted a new position or you want to change careers. Other reasons may be a direct result of a poor match or mistreatment, like a clash of caregiving styles or a breach of the working agreement. Once a nanny gives formal notice, the parents may wish to end her position effective immediately, rather than allow the nanny to work out her notice. Others may request that the nanny adjust her end date to accommodate the family. Each situation is unique, and ideally the parents and nanny will work together to end the working relationship on mutually acceptable terms. Whether you’re an employer terminating the relationship or the nanny giving notice, it’s important to review your written work agreement and honor the terms you’ve agreed upon. Even when the nanny may be considered at will, ending the relationship in writing can bring formal closure to the end of the working relationship.
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April 16, 2013By Erin McNeill Teachable moments are simply unplanned opportunities for learning. They aren’t part of the curriculum or the activities for the day, they are simply a child-led question or interest that sparks a moment of education on a particular topic. Here are a few suggestions on making the most out of the teachable moments that pop up throughout your day. Find or create opportunities for learning – Learning happens in a variety of different locations, but some of the best experiences come from nature. Head out for a walk, go to the beach or scooter to the park.
While you walk or play in the sand, ask questions that prompt thoughtful responses from your children. Those responses may turn
into more questions from your child, which will result in more discussion about the topic. The possibilities are endless! Explain answers and use big words – Be ready to explain things to your child. If you can’t explain something, let them know that you don’t know but you’d like to research it
together. Use big and technical words when describing things to children; if they don’t know what the word means, explain the meaning to them! This is a wonderful way to help children expand their vocabulary. Be ready to research – When your child asks you about something you don’t know, be prepared to do some research on the topic and include your child in the research process. Show them how to
find information so that they can do it the next time. Use the resources available to you, such as the internet, the library and the people around you, or even do a science experiment to answer your questions. Do craft projects that inspire moments – Do a craft project about rain or flowers, and then discuss the water cycle or the part of a flower. A quick search on the internet will turn up dozens of projects on various subjects. Start with something simple and move onto more complex projects and concepts as you and your child are ready. Teach through example – Teachable moments are great ways to introduce empathy, tolerance, forgiveness, and helpfulness by example. If you come across someone who needs help while you are out for your walk, show your child the
correct thing to do to help the person in need. Children learn best through example. Take the time after to discuss what other options might have been in the situation and why they were right or wrong. Follow-up – Follow-up your learning by finding a book,
article or project that relates to what you have been discussing. By following-up, you will let your child know that you haven’t forgotten what you’ve been talking and learning about. Use the time to answer any lingering questions or to research further into the topic at hand. Not every moment has to be teachable. Some moments should just be that, a moment. But other times, make the most out of a question or interest that your child has and follow their lead. You’ll know when they’re done talking about the subject, just like you’ll know when they’re thirsting for more information on it. Be prepared to not know the answer and be honest with your child about it. Your child will gain confidence in the world around them if they know they can ask questions and receive answers, even if they aren’t immediate answers.
Posted in Nannies | Comments Off on How to Turn Your Child’s Experiences into Teachable Moments10 Art Projects for Kids with Sensory Issues
April 10, 2013By Erin McNeill Kids with sensory issues are sometimes resistant to art projects because they don’t enjoy being messy or they don’t enjoy touching the mediums that are squishy, wet, or are made up of smaller parts, such as sand or rice. If you want to engage your child in art projects, it’s best to start with non-messy experiences for your child and build up to bigger projects. Go slowly and encourage your child to try new things, even if it’s just for a very short time. Here are some projects and activities to get you started.
- Plastic baggy painting – This is a great project to start with for kids with sensory issues as it doesn’t require the child to actually touch the paint and get messy, but it still gives them the opportunity to move and squish the paint around in the bag. This gives a more mild sensory experience. Simply squirt a small amount of paint into a zip top plastic bag (the freezer type are stronger), use multiple colors for mixing, close the top and tape to the table or the window and have your child “paint” inside the baggy. Observe what happens to the paint and discuss the mixing of colors and what colors make up other colors.
- Water play – Set out a large tub, fill up some smaller containers with water and a few drops of food coloring, pick out some utensils to play with and go to town! Your child can experiment by mixing the containers of colored water and transferring liquids from container to container. Water is generally a non-threatening item to most children and can create a calming experience for a child. Be prepared with plenty of towels and a dry change of clothes!
- Model Magic Clay – Model Magic Clay can be found at any craft store or big box store. It will provide a non-messy clay experience for children. It is light-weight and easy to manipulate for children of all ages and it dries in about 24 hours for those little ones that can’t wait to play with their creations. Once dry you can paint your creation if you’d like!
- Sensory tubs – As your child becomes more and more adapted to touching the world around them, a sensory tub can be a great place to really dig in, so to speak. Fill a medium tub with rice, dry pasta, sand or whatever else you can find. Food grains are generally a good option, and you can save them for another time. You will want to label them for crafts. Bury small objects for your child to find. It may take them a bit to be willing to dig for the items, but the surprise of what they’ll find usually wins out! Give your child tools to use in the tub to move around the objects and the grains. It’s best to start with one tactile substance in the tub at a time. As your child is more willing to touch different things, you can start mixing what you put in the tub.
- Color Wonder – Color Wonder provides art experiences for children without the mess. The markers or finger paints will only show up on the special Color Wonder paper, which means that they are clear and won’t show up on your child’s skin as they are creating their masterpiece.
- Painting with tools – Finger painting may be a long stretch for children with sensory issues, but creating an experience where your child won’t have to touch the paint is a step between no painting and finger painting. Have your child paint with unusual objects, such as a fly swatter, spoons, rolling a car or marbles in a tray of paper with paint squirted on top or using string. Let your imagination go wild; just make sure
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whatever you paint with is washable.
- Shaving cream play – Playing and painting with shaving cream is a messy project that your child may be resistant to, but knowing that clean-up will be easy may help them start this project. Once your child has started playing in the shaving cream, you might want to see if they’d like to create marble paper with the foam. If your child is sensitive to smells, use unscented shaving cream so the smell isn’t overwhelming to them.
- Puffy paint in squeeze bottles – You can make this puffy paint at home and put it in squeeze bottles.
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Have your child squirt out designs and write with the paint. Allow the paint to dry and then you can have your child trace the paint with their fingers, creating an entirely different experience for your child.
- Styrofoam sculptures – Save Styrofoam from packaging and use it to create art projects! Have your child create sculptures with the Styrofoam; you can use toothpicks, skewers or craft glue to keep items together while building.
- Gak – Once your child has gotten used to handling objects and substances that are messy, squishy or even kind of gross, it’s time to make gak! Gak is a science experiment with a very fun result. Making the gak is incredibly overwhelming for a lot of children, but that portion of the experiment only lasts for a short while and soon you have transformed some ordinary ingredients into a wonderful play substance that will provide hours and hours of entertainment!
Keep encouraging your child to try new things. You can start with just having them touch it, then put it away for another day if it’s too much for them. It will take time to introduce your child to different substances and textures, and may take repeated exposure to get them to enjoy the experience. Praise them for their efforts and make the experience fun for them!
Posted in Nannies | Comments Off on 10 Art Projects for Kids with Sensory Issues10 Rules All Nannies Should Follow
April 2, 2013Whether you’re getting ready to assume your very first nanny post or are a seasoned veteran in the world of private, in-home childcare, following a few ground rules can make all the difference when it comes to the success and longevity of your career. Maintaining a certain level of professionalism is of the utmost importance to career nannies, and will make it easier for you to obtain and hold on to high-quality posts.
- Be Punctual and Reliable – Because your employers are relying upon you to be punctual and reliable in order to maintain those same standards at their own places of employment, being on time and always turning up for work is actually one of the most effective ways of guarding your own job security. While your employers will most likely understand that life happens and will be accommodating in the face of an emergency, making a habit of taking last-minute personal days or running late for work is a surefire way to find yourself looking for a new post.
- Keep Your Rants to Yourself – Caring for children and meeting the lofty expectations of your employers is no easy task, and it’s understandable that you will need to vent from time to time. What’s important in this situation is that you maintain a level of professionalism when you let your feelings fly. Things that are posted online are difficult or even impossible to fully remove, and people will talk. Make sure that you only share your feelings with trusted friends and that you never rant about your employers or work environment in any manner that might reach them.
- Remember That Your Charges are Not Your Children – As a childcare professional, you will almost certainly have your own strong opinions regarding parenting and caregiving philosophies borne from your extensive experience in the field. It’s imperative that you remember, despite your experience and training, that your charges are not your children. Unless the disciplinary tactics your employers prefer are abusive or dangerous, you do have to take those wishes into account regardless of your own opinion on the subject.
- Be Aware of Burn-Out – Nanny burn-out is a very real problem in the childcare industry, and can come together so gradually that you don’t always recognize the signs until you’ve reached the end of your proverbial rope. Make sure that you keep an eye out for any signs of burn-out, and that you attend to them accordingly so that you’re always providing top-notch care to your charges.
- Know When to Stand Up for Yourself – While you do have to adhere to the rules and live up to the expectations your employers set, it’s also important that you know when to stand up for yourself and your own rights. Guarding yourself against unfair treatment and job creep is essential for nannies.
- Make Tax Compliance a Non-Negotiable Condition of Employment – It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of keeping more money out of every paycheck by flouting local, state and federal income taxes. In order to avoid paying employment taxes, your employers may also be keen on the idea. The repercussions of failure to pay the proper taxes simply are not worth the money you think you’ll be saving, though.
- Keep Your References and Reputation Safe – The most valuable resource at your disposal when it comes to securing and retaining a high-quality post is your reputation. Glowing references and a sterling reputation make you infinitely more desirable to potential employers, so keep them in mind when you’re tempted to abandon a post under bad circumstances with little notice.
- Use Social Media Wisely and Sparingly – Social networking sites are fun and easy ways to keep track of your friends and loved ones, and to share events in your own life with those people. As a nanny, however, you should always be aware of the fact that your employer could potentially see your activity, and that they may have strong objections to the idea of you sharing photographs of their children online.
- Stay Active and Engaged – Working as a professional, private childcare provider is more than a simple supervisory role. Your employers will expect a nanny that’s active and will engage with their children, rather than someone who is just keeping an eye on them during commercials.
- Always Behave As If You Are Under Surveillance – Some states prohibit the use of nanny cams under certain circumstances, while others are far more lax regarding surveillance. Your employers may not be required to disclose that you’re under surveillance, so it’s always a wise move to behave at all times as if there were a camera trained on your every move.
In addition to these rules, it’s also essential that you adopt a policy of maintaining your CPR and first aid certification, keeping all of your life-saving knowledge current and fresh. You should also enter in to each and every working arrangement with a written work agreement regarding your rights and responsibilities as a nanny in order to reduce the risk of disputes borne of misunderstanding later. Adopting your own policies regarding behavior and standards of conduct will allow you to create a professional image that’s all your own and help you maintain a sterling reputation.
Posted in Nannies | Comments Off on 10 Rules All Nannies Should Follow10 Activities that Boost Your Pre-School Aged Child’s Math Skills
March 24, 2013By Erin McNeill Your pre-school aged child has a brain much like a sponge; it absorbs nearly every single thing you say or do throughout the day with them. Why not take advantage of your time
with them and provide mathematical learning opportunities for your child while having fun at the same time?
- Count with them – Count everything! Cereal, books, game spaces, cars, days of the month, letters that arrived in the mail and birds on the fence are all great opportunities for counting! Sing songs that involve counting, read books that use numbers and teach them rhymes that incorporate math. Doing these activities with your child will help them learn how numbers work and how many each number represents.
- Measurement – Have your child compare the height of two towers next to each other, making observations about which one is taller. Ask them questions about how many more blocks you will need to make the shorter tower as tall as the bigger one. Encourage them to make their own observations and ask their own questions.
- Patterns – Find patterns in your daily lives and ask your child what the next object in the pattern would be. You can produce simple patterns at home through coloring, cutting out shapes, beading or by using blocks. Have them create their own patterns and then ask them what comes next.
- Analyze data – Help your child sort objects by color, size or shape and then have them count each category and record it together. Create a graph to represent the data and have your child help color it in. Discuss your findings together. Once they have mastered objects, have them move on to creating a survey to find out the interests of those around them. They could investigate how many people like each color, the number of pets in a family or the favorite ice cream flavor of the class. Make sure you graph this data as well!
- Cooking – Use cooking as a teaching tool! Teach your child to measure liquids and solids using measuring cups and talk about wholes and halves. Discuss quantity with your child by counting items out together as you need them. Children love to bake, so it’s the perfect opportunity to discuss measurement!
- Shapes – Start with shape recognition during your daily activities by simply discussing the shapes of various items. Have your child build with shapes and compare those shapes to things in everyday life. By comparing shapes of different sizes, your child will soon learn that a big triangle and a small triangle are both still triangles.
- Math language – Use math language throughout the day. Talk about what you have more or less of using food on their plate, game pieces, coins or blocks.
- Spatial relations – Play games with your child to introduce the concepts of being behind, in front of, near and far other objects or people. Have your child stand behind the couch, then have him move in front of the ball. Have him go near the stairs and far from the kitchen.
- Play number games – Put cut out or printed out numbers on the floor and encourage your child to run to each number that you sound out. Once they grasp this concept, relate the numbers to other things in life, like the ages of family members, the number of pets in the house, the number of paintings on the wall and the number of rugs in a room.
- Make math real – Incorporate math skills into your daily lives. Count boxes of cereal in the cart while shopping, count red cars while walking in the park and compare the sizes of the buildings around you.
As an adult, you use math on a daily basis, so why not teach your child to do the same? Math activities for the pre-school child can be as simple or as complex as you make them, but be sure to engage your child in math skills daily.
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March 19, 2013All good things must come to an end, whether it’s your relationship with a wonderful nanny who’s ready to move on or your stint at home after having kids. When it’s time to get your children acclimated to a new caregiver, there are a few things you can do to help the transition go more smoothly, so that there is a minimal amount of stress or tears. Prepare in Advance Sometimes the unexpected happens, and you may not have time to give your brood advanced warning about the impending changing of the childcare guard. If you’re fortunate enough to know in advance that there are changes afoot, however, it’s a good idea to take advantage of that good fortune by gradually acclimating your kids to the idea of a new childcare provider. Talk about the fact that your nanny is going to be moving on and explain that they’ll be meeting a new one or that you’ll be returning to work and they’ll stay with a nanny. Whatever your individual circumstances are, be open and honest with your kids as early as you are comfortable with so that they have plenty of time to ask questions
and get used to the idea of a major change in their lives. Schedule for a Transition Buffer If at all possible, scheduling a buffer day can have a huge impact on your kids’ reception of a new nanny. Let the old nanny spend a day training the new one and helping the kids to become accustomed to her, or spend time with your kids and a nanny before she starts working so they’re able to get to know one another in an environment that’s familiar and comfortable to your kids. Be Open With the New Caregiver Your new caregiver needs to be well-equipped with information to make the transition of childcare a successful one, so make sure that you’re open and honest with her. If your kids were particularly fond of the old nanny and you suspect there will be some acting out as a result of her leaving, discuss the matter. Talk about your kids’ individual quirks, habits and needs before she’s left alone to field them for herself. Making the effort to give your new caregiver all the information she needs to meet your kids’ physical and emotional needs in the first days of their acquaintance can dramatically improve their opinion of her. Remember, many kids will regard a new caregiver with a sort of wary suspicion until they’re used to her. When your nanny understands your kids as individuals, she can better combat that suspicion and begin building the foundation of trust. Make Special Efforts for Transitioning to Out-of-Home Care It is one thing to bring a private nanny into the home your children are already intimately familiar with and comfortable in; it’s another altogether to introduce them to a new caregiver in a completely foreign setting. If you’re transitioning from an in-home childcare provider or a life as a stay-at-home mom to one that includes daycare for your children, it’s a good idea to spend the first day with them so that they can explore with the comforting knowledge of your close proximity. Visit a new center a few times together, talk about the fact that they’ll be spending the day there while you work and give them the opportunity to ask all the questions they need to in order to feel comfortable with the idea. Coordinate With the Caregiver Planning a full day or two of activities by coordinating with your caregiver helps your kids know what to expect and feel confident in the security of their new routine. When you can generate excitement by talking about the trip to the zoo they’ll take with the new nanny or the arts and crafts project they’ll be working on
at daycare, they’ll have something to look forward to and may feel more confident when those things actually come to pass. Working in conjunction with your new caregiver to create the most positive transition possible is an essential part of helping your kids form a bond with their new nanny or babysitter. Express Enthusiasm When your kids see that you’re excited about this new development and eager about embarking on a new adventure, they’re more likely to follow suit. Make sure that you talk about the upcoming change in your childcare routine with optimism, even if you’re actually depressed about leaving them with a caregiver or sad about the loss of your previous one. Young children probably won’t understand the subtlety of mixed emotions, and will instead pick up on your negative feelings and regard the upcoming change with fear. Be Patient Regardless of how well you prepare or how much energy is directed at helping your kids make a smooth move from one childcare provider to another, they’re almost certainly going to feel some fear or sadness. Keep up the positive attitude with your kids, and do your best to be patient until they fully adjust. Some kids are more resistant to change than others, and full acceptance of the new normal for your child will only happen when she’s ready to accept the arrangement.
Posted in Nannies | Comments Off on How to Help Your Kids Adjust to a New Caregiver7 Activities to Help Kids Understand Passover
March 11, 2013By Erin McNeill
Passover can be a difficult holiday for children to understand. The Seder (traditional Passover meal) can be long, and children don’t often understand why certain foods (leavened foods) are prohibited during the holiday. Here are a few activities to keep your children as involved as possible during Passover and the Seder.
- Create a Haggadah – Have your child draw pictures of the different aspects of Passover. They can draw themselves reading the 4 Questions, create a picture of the Seder plate and illustrate looking for the Afikomen. Put them in order together and bind with rings or string. Kids can use their own Haggadah at the Seder to help them be involved on a level that they understand.
- Create a Seder plate together – Have your children help arrange the Seder plate with you, explaining what each item represents. You can also print off a child-friendly Seder plate here. Kids can color in the Seder plate while the family is sitting around the table.
- Talk about the Seder – Talk with your kids about the Seder, which is typically held on the first night of Passover. Discuss how the Israelites were redeemed from slavery and given the gift of the Torah and explain why the symbolic foods are out on the Seder plate.
- Read the 4 Questions together – It’s tradition that the youngest child reads the 4 Questions at the Seder, starting with the first, “Why is this night different from all other nights?” Reading them together, in English and in Hebrew, will familiarize your children with the questions and the answers that will be asked at the Seder. Helping your child understand before the Seder will prepare them to be active in the Seder.
- Read or tell the Passover story to your children – Reading or telling the story will help familiarize your children with the reasons that Passover is celebrated. The Israelites left Egypt quickly and there was no time for bread to rise, which is why eating matzah (unleavened bread) represents the time when people were forced quickly out of their homes. Passover also reflects a time for cleaning to rid houses of hametz (anything leavened).
- Discuss the plagues – The 10 plagues are an important part of the Passover story and you should discuss them with your children, taking time to explain their importance. You can have your children act out the story or draw pictures of the plagues to add to their Haggadah.
- Afikomen – The afikomen (or half of a piece of matzah) is hidden by the head of the household, and when it’s time for dessert it’s tradition that the children hunt for the afikomen and return it in exchange for money or a small prize. The afikomen helps children stay involved (and awake!) during the meal, knowing that their part in finding the afikomen is coming soon and that there is a reward for it once found – a prize and dessert!
Children don’t have to be bored during the Seder, but to ensure that they aren’t it’s important to be prepared with activities for them so they can participate during the meal. Have your children help prepare the house, the table and the food for Passover. Encourage them to use this time to ask questions and make statements about their Jewish heritage. This can be a wonderful learning experience for everyone involved!
Posted in Nannies | Comments Off on 7 Activities to Help Kids Understand PassoverWhy You Should Attend a National Nanny Training Day Event in Your Area
March 7, 2013By Erin McNeill
National Nanny Training Day (NNTD) is an annual event that falls on April 20, 2013, which is also the end of The Week of the Young Child (National Association for Education of Young Children). The event will be held in multiple cities across the nation on this day. The goals of NNTD are to promote awareness of the importance of education for nannies, to encourage nanny-related businesses and organizations to become involved in providing and/or promoting quality training, to provide accessible and affordable education to all nannies and to raise the quality of care through a well-trained workforce. Individual cities have planned their events, and all will offer childcare-related workshops. You can also expect most cities to offer the following to their attendees:
Childcare education workshops – All NNTD events have the requirement that at least 50% of the workshops must be childcare focused, so you are sure to encounter at least one workshop specifically pertaining to childcare. There are many sessions being offered at the events across the country, and topics include child development, activities to do with children, topics on working with children with various special needs and keeping kids active.
Professional development workshops – At the bigger events across the country you’ll also find workshops that focus on professional development for the nanny. There are workshops being offered on topics such as financial planning, health care options, resume and portfolio development and how to talk to your employers about tricky topics.
A chance to meet with local agencies and other professionals – A nanny conference is a great place to meet with the professionals in the industry, from tax advisors to nanny agencies. It is a good place to meet agencies that you haven’t met with before even if you aren’t currently seeking a job, because there will be a point in the future in which you will be and it’s good to make early connections. It’s also a good place to meet with health care insurance professionals and nanny tax companies.
The opportunity to connect with local nannies – Working as a nanny can be very isolating and a conference is a common ground to meet others in the industry. You’ll have the opportunity to plan playgroups, outings and social gatherings and meet people who are new to the area.
Affordable events – Most events cost between $25 and $40 for the day and include multiple workshops, snacks, lunch, goody bags and door prizes! Consider asking your employers to pay for your conference fees, as the event will directly impact the care that you give their children and you will bring back new ideas and activities to try with the kids.
Events are being held across the nation in about 40 cities and over 2,100 nannies expected to attend. Individual cities are planning the events, with either nannies or agencies doing the planning. You can find out where your nearest event is being held by visiting Nanny Biz Reviews and looking for events in your state.
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